Who We Are
Stepping Stone Financial has given Tim and Rachel Steppan opportunity because they both grew up in humble families in South Dakota with a strong desire to help others. For Tim and his family it was helping out at their church or serving in their local community. Rachel and her family kept very busy for many years with their boarding kennel taking care of the local town folk’s pets while they were on vacation. They also juggled that along with many sporting events.
After high school Tim left for the military to follow in his father’s footsteps and served honorably for four years. Tim and Rachel met in 2019 and got married the following year in June of 2020. He further developed his skills a security officer at a local hospital, he excelled at understanding and providing physical security.
Given the chance to work alongside fellow veterans and make a greater impact, Tim and Rachel enthusiastically seized the opportunity to provide financial security with Stepping Stone Financial.
Stepping Stone Financial’s message
When we, Tim and Rachel, decided to start Stepping Stone Financial, we needed to create a name. After much praying and guidance, sitting in church one Sunday, the message was being taught from Genesis 37. Joseph was thrown into a pit and later sold into slavery by his own brothers. Many times, in our lives, one of two things normally happen. We find ourselves in a pit or God puts us in a pit. The pit is not the most fun thing to be in. It’s lonely, dark, frustrating, and there is seemingly no way out of the pit. Have you ever been there? We certainly have. Hitting rock bottom can be embarrassing, overwhelming, and heart breaking…. OR it could be the beginning of a new opportunity.
Whether God places us in the pit or we cast ourselves in the pit, walking by faith with the Lord can be a struggle. But God gives us the stepping stones that we need to climb out of it. These stones allow us grow in our walk with the Lord, build our character, but mainly stones that draw us closer to Him. We believe no matter what happens in our lives, Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. With that thought in mind, I wrote three words down in my notebook, Tim looked with a side glance. A confirming nod from Tim, we had a name for our little company; Stepping Stone Financial.
Stepping Stone Financial’s Mission
In the short time of Stepping Stone Financial being created, our mission, our passion has grown. We want to have a legacy by helping you build a legacy for you and your family. Situations happen, planned or not, they do. And they will. Let’s say you get a heads up on something tragic that is going to happen to you. You have the date, time and location of the event that is going to happen, how would you plan to keep your family safe and protected? How much would you pay or be willing to do to keep them safe? The problem is; we are never what tomorrow holds for us.
One thing is for certain, God always has a plan. Our desire is to assist you in protecting your tomorrows, today. We want to be there BEFORE tragic happens. We have both seen, in our own families, what happens when a loss of a loved one and there were no financials available. Too many stories in our short time of doing this business, we have seen and heard of the heart breaks of families having nothing to for financial security. That is why we are here. To be here for you!
Special Note from Tim and Rachel
We would like to thank you for visiting our website. Our objective is to provide clients with long-term peace of mind, confidence, and safeguarding legacy not only their immediate future, but the entirety of their future. Our desire is for people to protect their families whether it is with Stepping Stone Financial or somewhere else. We hope you would choose us to work with you in finding the right policy for you and your family.

Thursday: 8am-6pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm