What is Mortgage Protection?
Mortgage Protection protects the homeowners from the bank to continue to make payments on their home after income loss or an unexpected death. Unlike Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) which protects the banks against the homeowner in the event of a financial foreclosure. Mortgage Protection protects you, that homeowner, so that the homeowner can protect the home equity, continue payments during the time for listing or payoff for whole entire mortgage.
As you continue to scroll down, please consider your options: Are you wanting to keep your home or sell your home? This policy gives you two options of(1) making the monthly payments while you have your home on the market to protect the equity OR (2) is to pay off the entire mortgage and you are able to stay in your house.
Benefits of Mortgage Protection:
You have so many memories, good or bad, in your home that you have built. A place you can open your doors to people in need, security, and encouragement. A place to call home. This protection keeps the banks at bay while you handle the situation at hand. Peace of mind is/should be the motto for you home when things happen, and they will, is your physical home protected? One last thing on benefits; Legacy!! You may have seen this reason in other places with Stepping Stone Financial. You are setting another building block for you and your family. Let’s build a solid foundation for our children’s future by leaving a legacy for them to continue on their own legacy.

How can I get Mortgage Protection?
When you call or go online to set an appointment with Stepping Stone Financial, we will walk you through the similar process to a life insurance policy, but this is would be for your mortgage payments. If you were diagnoses with an illness or have an unexpected death, the insurance company would release your policy to you in order to keep on with the mortgage payments.
What information do I need to bring to my appointment?
Loan statements of your current(s) mortgage loans. As previously mentioned, you would have two options to consider: “Are you wanting to keep your house or to sell?” Stepping Stone Financial helps you weigh outs the two offers that best fits your preferences.

How old do you need to be to apply for Mortgage Protection?
Any age that owns or plans to own a home. The earlier the better, don’t wait to get Mortgage Protection until you absolutely need it.
Do I need Mortgage Protection if I already have Life Insurance?
Depends. Life Insurance is designed to provide coverage in the event of sickness or death. Depending on the coverage you already have with your Life Insurance, you may need to consider coverage for Mortgage Protection.
Can I take my mortgage policy to my new home?
Yes! The Mortgage Protection Policy belongs to the homeowner to your next home. Be sure to contact your Mortgage Protection company to update address or make any necessary changes.
Can I get a Mortgage Protection Policy if I have a pre-existing condition?
Depending on the severity of the condition, most MPI policy maybe excepted but may have a higher premium. Other policies, may require a medical exam and could be denied coverage based on health issues.

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Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm